Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House


UK registered company – number 11249234

Registered office address:

23 Shackleton Court, 2 Maritime Quay, E14 3QF


Company description

Hello Lamp Post is an innovative tool that invites the general public to interact with the things that they use every day and the things that make up the world around them (lamp posts, parking meters, statues and shop fronts). Hello Lamp Post is making local information accessible 24/7, whilst gathering community insights and sentiment in real-time.

Whether you want to change behaviours, gather insights or reduce operating costs, we will work closely with you to find an effective solution. For example: statues that share stories about local history, planning notices that collect feedback for new projects, recycling stations that talk about the local environment and shop window displays that offer discount codes.

Through text-based mobile phone chats, Hello lamp Post is empowering communities to influence the future development of their local area, in the vision of those who use the area most.

Why our clients choose us: reduce costs / staff time answering common queries or running surveys, get insights from hard-to-reach groups, inclusive technology that can reach all members of your community and live 24-7, after your team has gone home.

Why your community will love us: instant access: no downloads, no forms, no account creation, no usage fees, entertaining, educational and useful, simple, accessible tech (SMS) for all ages and an opportunity to feedback on decisions.

Products and services

Public space engagement, increase inclusivity with diverse, widespread and underrepresented audiences, reduce engagement costs, automated customer service/ public query answering, monitor real-time citizen perceptions, gather community insights to make more efficient decisions, change community behaviours, introduce visitors to your area/ tell your story, live 24/7 and help the public report problems.


Business and consumer services, Communications, Construction, Creative and media, Environment, Financial and professional services, Healthcare and medical, Leisure and tourism, Railways, Software and computer services
North East, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West, Scotland, Wales
Australia, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
English, Mandarin, Spanish, Welsh


Hello Maritime Mile, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Hello Maritime Mile was an award-winning place marketing deployment that increased visitor engagement by 50% and transformed tourism in the area.

Hello Climate Emergency, Southwark, London

Hello Lamp Post has recently teamed up with Southwark Council in London and Traverse to support their work in tackling the climate crisis in this London borough.

Hello Environment Agency

The Environment Agency is responsible for defending communities from flood and coastal risks. In the past, the agency has struggled to scale public engagement, for less.

Hello Wandsworth, London

We’re working with the London borough of Wandsworth to reduce instances of fly-tipping, and to help the council quickly react when it occurs.

Hello North Lanarkshire

North Lanarkshire Council identified three sites in their area that suffered from above-average rates of suicide.

Hello My Royal Borough, Windsor

An interactive customer experience for Windsor town centre. We’re helping to gather customer-driven insights by asking visitors and residents for feedback.