HB Publications and Training International
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Education and training

HB Publications and Training International

UK registered company – number 02243798

Registered office address:

67 Wingate Square, London, SW4 0AF

HB Publications and Training International

Company description

HB Publications and Training International (HBPTI) is an expert provider of finance and management skills to the public and non-profit sectors. Our services are delivered worldwide through books and e-books, online assessments, and training.

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Products and services

Finance training, finance, finance books, online assessments, finance courses, online finance courses, bespoke finance training, budgeting courses, public sector, nonprofit sector


Education and training, Financial and professional services

HB Publications and Training International case studies

Essential Skills for the Public Sector

A series of 9 finance and management books for the public and not for profit sector. The books provide excellent self-development in core skills such as finance, budgeting, and strategic planning.