HB Publications and Training International

Essential Skills for the Public Sector Finance and Management Books

Essential Skills for the Public Sector

We deliver finance training to many organisations in the public and non profit sectors. We also run open finance training courses in the City of London for individuals. To support our courses we developed a series of books which provide practical and easy to read information. These books are a cost effective way to develop skills in budgeting and finance which are essential to good management and governance. Our books have been purchased world wide and easily translate to international environments. They have been used to develop organisations, and as part of academic courses in public administration. Customers include Mannheim University, Hertie School of Governance, and New Zealand Ministry of Social Development.


Managing the Devolved Budget: Budgeting for Public and Non Profit Sectors

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Education and training
I recently purchased an eBook copy of Managing the Devolved Budget. As a finance trainer I think this is an excellent book. So many of the issues I come across in my role are thoughtfully addressed. Well done to the authors.
Training Manager New Zealand Ministry of Social Development