Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Healthcare and medical


UK registered company – number SC606878

Registered office address:

Unit 260 Old Embroidery Mill, Abbey Mill Business Centre, PA1 1TJ


Company description

Remote Monitoring Asthma using IoT.

Asthma is a complex disease and there are multiple triggers both environmental and psychological, which can cause inflammation or allergic reaction within the airways resulting in an attack.

These triggers are unique to each patient and exposure can change depending on the season, the patient’s location, weather & personal circumstances. Increasingly, the impact of air quality is being identified as affecting asthma.

Lack of information for patient self-management, imperfect adherence in taking medication, and reliance on fallible patient memory at doctors’ surgeries, results in sub-optimal asthma control. Overall, this leads to increase in oral corticosteroid use, acute exacerbations, hospital admissions and mortality.

Ultimately, lack of real and timely information results in greater costs to the health care system, patients who have acute exacerbations of asthma costing 3.5 times as much as those who don't.

By remotely capturing the patients circumstancial and environmental data, the QIoT connected, smart IoT technology and patients App can help to:

• Support Asthma teams around clinical utility.
• Add value when guiding Asthma management plans.
• Creating more personalised Asthma care plans.
• Identifying never before seen dangerous trends (allowing for early intervention).
• Improve attendance at Asthma clinic.
• Supports patient self-management.
• Reduced hospital admissions and costs.
• Deliver bespoke pollen forecasts helping reduce exasperations.
• Over time, allow Health professionals to remotely manage more patient, freeing up valuable clinical appointments?
• Increased days with no symptoms?
• Better accuracy in predicting peak flow results.
• Increases in FEP adherence and monitoring.

By also informing patients when medication is running low, and measuring stress and activity levels daily, it a true solution to help both patient and health care providers manage effectively.

Products and services

asthma, respiratory, PEF, COPD, diurnal, spirometer, smartinhaler, telehealth, ACT


Healthcare and medical

QIOT LTD case studies

Remote Monitoring Asthma Patients

Using connected, smart technology to gather never before seen data on the circumstancial and environmental data of asthma patients to support clinical utility while guiding asthma management plans.