Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Core industry
Software and computer services


UK registered company – number SC394102

Registered office address:

Edinburgh Bioquarter, 9 Little France Road, EH16 4UX


Company description

We supply artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning services for digital health and precision medicine. We use natural language processing and AI to synthesize predictive models and risk calculators from millions of medical and biological publications, and we use learning from data to adapt worldwide results to targeted tasks in healthcare. We use automated code generation to convert predictive models and risk scores into web tools and software backends that can be integrated with apps and health IT systems. Our method helps vendors, providers, and payers to stay at the forefront of healthcare AI by using both data and information, and improve safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of healthcare by combining data-driven and evidence-based medicine. We support developments using big data or small data, including noisy or biased datasets, rare conditions, or underrepresented populations. We have supported developments in long-term conditions including diabetes, chronic heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Alzheimer’s disease in the UK, North America, and Europe. We are looking for service provision and funded collaboration opportunities in AI-powered digital health, precision medicine, longevity, and wellness.

Products and services

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Healthcare AI, Digital Health, Precision Medicine, Long-term Conditions, Evidence-based Medicine, Longevity, Wellness


Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, Healthcare and medical, Software and computer services