Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Business and consumer services


UK registered company – number 10766643

Registered office address:

33 St. James's Square, London, SW1Y 4JS


Company description

Tails Trading partners small and medium enterprises across the UK to make exporting high-quality, British-made goods to Asia as simple, low risk and successful as possible.

With our headquarters in London, we work closely with businesses to assess the potential of their product in the Asian marketplace and to brand their products for individual markets.

Our business model is different. Where required, we offer investment to the businesses we work with to enable them to meet the increased demand from exporting. We navigate the legal process of launching a new product in Asia on their behalf and manage distribution. We also pay businesses upfront for the goods we export.

In addition to our London headquarters, we have local teams on the ground in each market we work in, giving us unrivalled local expertise and ensuring distribution and legal processes are efficient and effective.

Products and services

ANALYSIS --- INVESTMENT ---- UPFRONT PAYMENT ---- BRANDING ---- LEGAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------WHO DO WE WORK WITH? We partner with UK-based small and medium enterprises who craft high-quality British-made goods. We work across an incredibly diverse range of industries - from gin distillers to Scottish silversmiths, to sportswear brands. Get in touch to find out if there is a demand for your product in Asia and discover how we can help you successfully launch into a new market. ANALYSIS, INVESTMENT, UPFRONT PAYMENT, BRANDING, LEGAL


China, India, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom