The London Ghostwriting Company
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Creative and media

The London Ghostwriting Company

UK registered company – number 10482126

Registered office address:

Magnum House, 133 Half Moon Lane, SE24 9JY

The London Ghostwriting Company

Company description

The London Ghostwriting Company is a leading UK ghostwriting and editorials publishing service with an emphasis on the production of submission and print-ready ghostwritten manuscripts.

With a team of experienced, skilled and published ghostwriters, scriptwriters and editors, and with access to professionals through wider publishing networks, The London Ghostwriting Company is both a supplier of ghostwritten content and a ghostwriting agency who partner work.

The organisation’s working process is highly collaborative with a focus on development, high quality and a strategic editorials system that agrees to their customers’ publishing goals. An established company and well networked, LGC provide the highest ghostwriting solutions in the UK for customers inside and outside the publishing trade.

With a shared background in scriptwriting, publishing, editorials, journalism and academia, LGC provide customers in film and publishing with print-ready, ghostwritten manuscripts, screenplays and story solutions across genre, story type and format.

If you don’t know where to begin and want help from an anonymous team, LGC develop projects side-by-side with their clients to make sure their vision makes it to the page. With the experience to conduct life story interviews and lead clients through events and memories, they will transform the discussions and ideas into meaningful books.

LGC—a trusted organisation whose business is books, ghostwriting and above all else—good stories.

A full list of writing and consultancy services can be found on the website.

Products and services

Ghostwriting, editorials, copyediting, scriptwriting, biographies, memoirs, fiction, academic writing, business books


Creative and media