Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Education and training


UK registered company – number 10330395

Registered office address:

9 Quy Court Colliers Lane, Stow-Cum-Quy, Cambridge, CB25 9AU


Company description

We are a digital learning agency

LearnJam exists to help create a better world by making learning and working more purpose-driven, inclusive and effective.

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Products and services

Learning design, systems change, research, needs assessment, concept and product development, inclusive leaning design, content development, diversity and inclusivity support


Business and consumer services, Education and training, Security
Brazil, China, Jordan, Oman, Spain, United States

LearnJam case studies

English communication skills course for Palestine

Developing an English communication skills course to support graduates in Palestine in the digital economy.

Business communication courses for a mobile product

Developing a programme of business communication skills courses for ‘Excedo’, a new mobile first learning experience from Nikkei-Financial Times