Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Education and training


UK registered company – number 09036413

Registered office address:

86-90 Evospire Ltd - 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE


Company description

Outcourse is a digital education resource lab. We make bespoke learning platforms and apps, content, assessment and gamification. Working with the client, teachers and learners to develop a user experience to provide results.

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Products and services

Education, training, learning, online learning, e learning, professional development, edtech, soft skills, vocational


Education and training
Bangladesh, China, India, Russia, United Arab Emirates, United States
Greek, Spanish

Outcourse case studies

Cybersecurity and Digital Assessments

Developing a new platform for cybersecurity and digital skills assessment platforms. This included developing an ID verification process and connecting it to college software using API


Working alongside Ufini in USA to develop products and flows of students

BRITEthink Academy

Development of an online college. Designing the platform and the processes.

Educating Parents in China

The project is about developing online learning through pre-recording video and live streaming to help Chinese parents understand how pre-school education is developed within the home setting.

NHS / Practice Managers Association

Working with the PMA to develop an online, level 2 course for Excellence in Supporting Healthcare