Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
11-50 employees
Core industry
Software and computer services


UK registered company – number 08617659

Registered office address:

The Innovation Centre Innovation Way, Heslington, York, YO10 5NY


Company description

SkillsForge is a business which delivers a software as a service cloud based solution to universities across the world. The SkillsForge business provides enabling technologies from the cloud to improve and automate university processes. On top of this, equally valuable, SkillsForge dramatically increases the breadth, depth and sophistication of business intelligence reporting for universities.

The engagement model commences with expert consultation, where we seek to tailor, through configuration, SkillsForge for university clients. Whereas each instance of SkillsForge looks very different, from the University of Adelaide to Kings College London, it is the same "under the hood". SkillsForge integrates easily with existing university systems so data can be shared between systems and enormous levels of data warehoused by SkillsForge, for subsequent business intelligence reporting.

The SkillsForge solution is hosted at Amazon Web Services across the world with instances currently in London and Sydney serving the UK and Australian markets respectively. The universities in these countries use SkillsForge as follows:
- management of the student journey from registration through to examination
- skills assessment, tracking and development needs analysis
- short course and event booking and management including all development activity recording

The use of SkillsForge delivers to universities the holy grail of massive cost savings AND transformational business intelligence insights.

Whereas the main focus is on the deployment of the cloud solution and integrating it with existing university systems, the first step is for the expert, experienced SkillsForge team to consult with the university to discuss and gather enough information to tailor (through configuration) the SkillsForge solution to the desired client specific instance.

SkillsForge is paid for through an up front charge for the configuration and implementation effort and an annual license fee.

Products and services

software as a service, candidature, higher education, university, , graduate school, examination, short course booking, skills assessment, reseacher

SKILLSFORGE LTD case studies

SkillsForge implementation in Australia

SkillsForge has been recently implemented at the University of Adelaide to provide a solution that supports, tracks and reports on skills development activities for their students.