Omnium Employee Benefits
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House

Omnium Employee Benefits

UK registered company – number 04375284

Registered office address:

Bourne House, Queen Street, Gomshall, GU5 9LY

Omnium Employee Benefits

Company description

Since 2002 we have helped small and medium-sized businesses locating in the UK to help them provide a full range of employee benefits to comply with UK legislation and help them attract quality employees. Our specialist team is highly qualified and has over 30 years’ experience.

Despite all the technology now available, we believe there is still no real substitute for giving employees the ability to talk about their benefits to a qualified adviser, in confidence, without having to leave their place of work. This helps them focus on the true value of their benefits.

Our primary aims are to inform, educate and advise employers and employees on the real value of the benefits their organisation offers. We offer unbiased, unrestricted and wholly independent advice.

As a small consultancy, we are proud to have been UK national finalists for 'Best Corporate Adviser' on no less than four occasions in recent years

Products and services

Employment, Immigration
Accounting and tax, Insurance, Regulatory support, Mergers and acquisitions
Human resources
Staff management and progression, Salary benchmarking and employee benefits


North West, East of England, South East, South West, Scotland

Omnium Employee Benefits case studies