Engineered English Oak flooring - UK Manufacturer. English Oak Flooring is unique with a beautiful depth of character.

Engineered English Pippy Oak Flooring

Engineered English Oak flooring - UK Manufacturer. English Oak Flooring is unique with a beautiful depth of character and a truly, timeless quality.We produce our Engineered English Oak flooring in three grades: Pippy (Cat's Paw Oak ), Select Oak and Pippy-Select English Oak Elooring. All are manufactured at our Somerset factory in single-strip, mixed-width floorboards in luxuriously long lengths. The English Oak is our most iconic tree, woven into our history, and remains at the heart of everything that put the great into Great Britain.


Engineered English Oak flooring - UK Manufacturer. English Oak Flooring is unique with a beautiful depth of character.

Engineered English Oak flooring - UK Manufacturer. English Oak Flooring is unique with a beautiful depth of character.

Company details

15 January 2013
Household goods, furniture and furnishings