Ground-breaking use of AI to provide real-time predictions for the presence of harmful levels of bacteria in rivers

Real-Time Bacteria Prediction Using AI Powered Sensing

The project provides recreational river users with real-time bathing water quality data using low-cost sensors linked to an AI platform.

Warleigh Weir is a river bathing location in the UK. Water quality at the location can be affected by a number of factors – from storm overflows and treated wastewater, to agricultural run-off, septic tanks, road drains and wild animals. Recreational users have been demanding actionable and timely information on whether it’s safe to swim. To date, assessment of water quality for recreational waters relies on 5-day laboratory analysis providing data retrospectively.

This project uses artificial intelligence integrated with low-cost sensors to deliver bacteriological water quality data in real-time.

The AI provides accurate real-time assessments of Enterococci and E.coli levels against official safety standards using only a small number of simple to monitor parameters from low-cost, wireless sensors.


UnifAI Technology and Wessex Water won the Digitalisation Project of the Year Award 2022

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“This WebApp is potentially a major breakthrough, giving people near real-time information about river water before they decide whether or not to swim. Bacteria will always be present in rivers due to wildlife, run-off from agricultural land, regulated storm overflows and treated sewage discharges. But we want to help the increasing number of wild swimmers and recreational river users make an informed choice.”
Ruth Barden Director of Environmental Solutions Wessex Water