Rail operator VLT in Brazil chooses ABI

VLT Carioca teams up with ABI Electronics

VLT Carioca, Rio de Janeiro’s light rail operator, has made a huge commitment to the Repair, Don’t Waste ethos by investing in specialist test and measurement equipment provided by ABI Electronics. The VLT engineering team has recently received comprehensive BoardMaster training in Brazil delivered by ABI's local partner RCBI Instrumentos.

The scope of the repairs that VLT will be able to provide over the coming months and years using the BoardMaster is immeasurable, due to the BoardMaster’s versatile applications. VLT’s engineers will be able to provide repair and maintenance services to numerous Alstom CITADIS vehicles that have been in operation since 2016, alongside thousands of sub-assemblies and circuits within Rio de Janeiro’s light rail system.


Alstom's CITADIS trams to be supported using ABI equipment.

Company details

14 June 1984
“In my view, the ABI BoardMaster exceeds expectations. I am satisfied with the acquisition as it is an excellent piece of equipment and with good management, it is certainly possible to obtain great results.”
Claudio Marins Electronic service engineer VLT Carioca