Chris Harris, from Harris Hounds. Ambitious, lifestyle business owner.

Why Chris Harris walked away from a £5m business

Chris came to a One Percent Club meeting, and shared how he was feeling: "I feel like giving up,k and just walking dogs on the beach".

We brainstormed what that could look like for Chris. What his overheads (and break-even point) could look like. How hard he would have to work, and the lifestyle that he could enjoy - even through earning significantly less money.

Chris designed his ideal ambitious, lifestyle business. He closed down his old, "traditional" business, forsaking that £5m turnover, and swapping it for a business he truly loves - and one that still rewards him handsomely.

Company details

Business and consumer services
You go to all these networking meetings – everyone’s on about grow and build and create a big company and make all this money. It seems really good but actually is that ultimately what you want? I think this idea of an ambitious lifestyle – actually you can be ambitious enough to grow your company but actually get a bit of you time in there as well.
Chris Harris Owner Harris Hounds