An 11 yr-old girl has spoken about how Lumi Nova (app) helped her cope with anxious thoughts upon starting a new school.

Child's story of overcoming anxiety

Maise's mum, Danielle, became very concerned when it escalated to the point that Maise who was normally bubbly and talkative became pre-occupied and started to withdraw from the everyday activities that she usually loved and enjoyed doing. She brought Maisie to see their family GP but he didn’t think Maisie met the threshold criteria for referral for support.

This is not uncommon - in 2019, 75% of children and young people experiencing a mental health problem are unable to access any support at all. (Mental Health Foundation).

During the summer, Masie's school gave her access to Lumi Nova, an engaging mobile game for paediatric anxiety that gamifies exposure therapy (gold standard for treating anxiety) should be considered for implementation by health and education providers.

“After playing for only a couple of weeks we noticed a big improvement” — Danielle

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Healthcare and medical
“It is a slow process but she is getting there. Her fear of us leaving the house at night has gone which is amazing.” — Parent