The port of Bristol is the location for the 5G Logistics project.

5G Logistics

5G Logistics is another step in the creation of Smart City functionality in the city of Bristol. Bristol includes a historic and thriving modern port and one of the objectives of the 5G Logistics project is to implement 5G Release 16 based Location And Positioning functionality, in order to track vehicles travelling from the Bristol Port, along the M5 motorway and to the Gravity Smart Campus. An interface between the 5G network and Bristol City Council traffic management systems will also make use of this Location And Positioning, along with enhanced Mobile Broadband. The 5G network will also interface to drones developed in partnership with Unmanned Life.
To support the ambitions of the 5G Logistics consortium, AttoCore will be supplying its Atto5GC Standalone Core, which will be enhanced to support Release 16 Location And Positioning. The system will be delivered with network slicing capability and will implement Kubernetes based orchestration.

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