Leading Macro Vegan author promotes Seaweedagogo !

vegan project

Linage was to showcase recipes developed by the leading Author and macro vegan using our Seaweedagogo recipe mixes alongside showcasing our snacks range which are all vegan friendly.Socail media competitions incorporating the Go Vegan authors book showcased the Brand and products and led to direct sales .Seaweed is an ideal vegan plant based ingredient which is highly viewed environmentally world wide .

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Food and drink
I use Seaweed Agogo in everything from soups, vegetables, dressings and bean stews, the possibilities are endless. As the depletion of minerals in our soil continue, make sure you are topped up with the richness of seaweeds magic minerals from macroalgae. The value of edible seaweeds in human nutrition is also based on their richness in several minerals that you will find in abundance in Seaweed Agogo products. Marlene Watson-Tara. . .About Marlene Marlene Watson-Tara – A high profiled and dedicated Macrobiotic health counsellor and teacher with over 40 years’ experience of transforming lives. A graduate of T. Colin Campbell Centre for Nutrition Studies Cornell, New York and an expert in her field on plant based nutrition.