Language Insight's collaboration with the POLICE SERVICE.

Collaboration with POLICE SERVICE

The daily volumes we receive include MG11s and MG15s to transcribe, with extensive information security requirements, due to sensitive content such as child protection interviews.

The nature of the work we undertake means data must be kept confidential and within stringent security conditions, as demanded by law enforcement agencies. We had to rise up to a security challenge going beyond traditional linguistic services.

Our staff also needed enhanced vetting before undertaking backlogged volumes of audio. The audio in digital and tape formats includes a wide range of accents across highly complex and challenging cases. Our clients can be assured that their transcripts are produced by the typist best suited to understanding the audio.

We’re able to operate fast turnaround, large‑scale typing projects in a secure and timely manner, alleviating significant backlogs and the resulting issues. We’re also able to maintain a quick turnaround with significant cost savings.

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Financial and professional services