Education Insights from Cambridge: Preparing learners fairly for the future. Report cover.

Education Insights for Cambridge University Press

After appointing an experienced team, we devised an appropriate programme of research and commissioned contributors from around the world in a range of capacities; commissioning and editing articles, copywriting from author notes, copywriting from interview notes and ghosting from briefs. We developed files for both web and print.

We facilitated the delivery of a report that highlighted the primacy of teachers in educational reform. It featured contributions from eighteen industry experts and provided insights from around the world, including Nigeria, Uganda, Malaysia, Finland and Singapore. It was targeted at those involved in the reform process and was launched in two stages. Firstly, at Innovation Africa in Zimbabwe and secondly, at the Education World Forum in London.

We subsequently developed a second report, this time on equipping learners with skills for the future, again in a global education context.


Education Insights from Cambridge: From policy to pupil: why do teachers matter? Report cover.

Company details

31 May 2017
Education and training