Sample timetable leaflet

Origination of Timetable Publications

We provide a fast-turnaround service to ensure that timetable leaflets are available to the public to inform them of important changes to the network. We normally receive either TransXChange data or registrations depending on the amount of change required. We then update the existing artwork to reflect the new service. We update between 10 and 35 leaflets each month.

We also work in partnership to improve the information for passengers including specific ‘travel to’ leaflets for schools and universities across the region. The leaflets include a map centered on the location with a 5-minute walk zone, along with text information on the reverse giving information on travelling by the different modes of travel.

Company details

Business and consumer services
We are delighted with the new travel-to-university maps and are always impressed with the quality and service provided by Pindar Creative. We look forward to working with Pindar Creative to further develop and streamline our publications.
Sarah Wilson Digital Marketing and Information Manager West Midlands Combined Authority