"A Short Guide to Customs Risk" Best Seller of Customs Management

Book "A Short Guide to Customs Risk"

Moving from frontier checks to audit based controls has transferred a high level of responsibility and risk to the trader. Businesses failing to provide satisfactory compliance records will result in delayed shipments and serious disruption in the supply chain which will impact on financial performance and possible penalties.

Managing Customs risk is often seen as a cost centre but it is also a source of competitive advantage. A sound Customs management can reduce or remove Customs duties, generate savings, and generally improve cash flow using the many Customs procedures available to the compliant trader. Help is at hand, “A Short Guide to Customs Risk” will enable you to make informed decisions.

Alegrant Comply & Trade

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25 April 2016
Business and consumer services
"A concise and useful overview of an important topic to those with an interest in global trade.” The Journal of Commerce - USA "A useful practical guide for customs practitioners that provides good insight into the nature and types of risks confronted by customs administrations strategically and operationally." Centre for Customs and Excise Studies, University of Canberra - Australia "I have now been for almost three years an excise and systems director at Malta Customs and Catherine Truel's book is really serving me as my first practical point of reference on customs risk and related areas. It is certainly invaluable for the handy small size of the book and would undoubtedly recommend it to anyone involved in or studying international trade policy and administrative matters." Director, Customs Department, Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment, Malta