Airport runoff can contain high concentrations of pollutants which need to be monitored

Water pollution monitoring of airport oil runoff

Water pollution from airport runoff is increasingly coming under public and government scrutiny. As environmental regulations tighten, the ability to monitor for aviation fuel contamination from runway runoff has become essential.
Monitoring sites at airports can be extremely challenging often with no power or telephone lines available and with limited access for maintenance. CTG’s robust OIL-Station & OIL Station Pro with its low power consumption and high accuracy is ideally suited for this application. Installed at various locations around the airport, deployed with it’s own integrated anti-biofouling system, utilising the GSM network, the monitoring sites send data to a secure ftp site, where any internet enabled device can access the data. In this way the systems act as any early warning system allowing any hydrocarbon discharge to be detected in real-time.

Company details

24 December 1964