Mine unit in Cananea, Sonora, Mexico

Blademaster Demonstrate Wear Life 2 1/2 times longer

Recently completed independent field trials of Blademaster Ground Engaging Tools have demonstrated wear life 2 1/2 times longer than a leading brand of GET products. The excellent results for Blademaster grader edges were trialled on a 16H Caterpillar Grader machine operating in very harsh conditions in a mine unit in Cananea, Sonora, Mexico.

The blades operated for 368 machine hours without replacement. This is 2 1/2 times longer than the wear life of the leading brand grader edges normally used at the mine resulting in a cost per hour reduction of over 75%

Company details

14 December 1960
"Here at Powermaq we really believe in the quality of the products we sell, which is why we are delighted to be an appointed distributor for Blademaster ground engaging tools manufactured in the UK. Recent trials carried out by one of Mexico's top three mining companies proved once again, that price should not be the only criteria when selecting ground engaging tools. Blademaster considerably outperformed one of the world's leading brands and parts manufactured in the Far East to deliver a substantial cost saving per hour for the customer, now that's what we call a result!"
Oscar Chavez General Manager Powermaq International