Automated Emitted Dose (AED) System for testing Dose Content Uniformity of Inhaled Products.

Inhaled Product Analysis & Automation (IPAA)

GlaxoSmithKline were in need of a supplier who could take an automation project from concept to completion. With full access to GSK's inhaler testing laboratories, Astech were able to analyse manual processes best suited to automated testing. Working with GSK scientists Astech studied, developed concepts, designed, built, tested and installed several automation platforms worldwide that are still used today for the quality control release globally of blockbuster inhaled products. Our relationship has lasted over 15 years and we continue to partner on some of GSK's most novel products.

Automated Emitted Dose (AED) System with robotic technology.

Automated Particle Size Determination of the Inhaled Product Powder.

Company details

18 July 1995
Healthcare and medical
"Astech Projects have design and fabrication skills that are well attuned to the needs of the GMP working environment that have been integral to the successful implementation of analytical automation at an industrial scale."
Andrew Rice Senior Scientist GlaxoSmithKline