Main menu of the prisoner management app for the Kenyan Prison Service.

Custom app development for the Kenyan Prison Service

With a population of up to one thousand male inmates convicted of very serious offences, Kamiti Maximum Security Prison in Nairobi is in great need of comprehensive, robust security. For the safety of visitors, staff and the prisoners themselves, officers need to know their inmates: their offences, conviction dates, admission dates, transfers, psychiatric reports and release dates. Detailed intelligence on prisoner behaviours during their incarceration is also key.
UN funding offered an opportunity to start from scratch. Transmedia met with officers and UN mentors to assess what information really was needed to keep both prisoners and the outside world safe and secure. In a nutshell, prison staff needed an inmate registration and monitoring app that would help them do their job more efficiently and safely. In technological terms, this meant a modern, simple tool that would be compatible with existing technologies and be able to tackle the problem of incomplete prisoner intelligence.

Company details

21 November 2001
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