Text Wizard Copywriting

News story on the DLF website about the use of its grass seed in the 2018 Russia World Cup.

Web pages for Danish seeds-and-science company, DLF

Although DLF has separate trading teams in most countries in which it operates, the company's Danish website has a global reach. When the company came to revise its website, it looked for an English writer to simplify the language and to give each page a stronger sales spin.

Over a period of several weeks, DLF sent us material for more than 50 pages of text. Some we edited from existing copy; some we wrote from scratch.

Since then we have continued to write newsletters and brochures for DLF. Our knack for turning their science-based copy into stories that wholesalers, farmers, groundsmen, and gardeners can relate to has led to plenty of repeat business.


Page about forage grasses from the DLF website.

Extract from a page on the DLF website about lawns for family life.

Company details

19 March 2005
Agriculture, horticulture and fisheries