The main wastewater treatment plant installed on a firm concrete base ready for backfilling.

Basil's Bar Complex Mustique

The bar was demolished and rebuilt in the same location with a need for up-to-date sanitation.
During the survey work it became evident that the adjacent fisherman village, shops and residences would also benefit from connection to this system.
Ecoprocess designed the drainage layouts for the bar, fisherman's village and associated shops. Due to the topography two sewage lifting pumps were required for efficient distribution of the effluent. Ecoprocess designed, supplied, shipped and commissioned; a bespoke wastewater treatment plant incorporating telemetry alarms and UV disinfection; grease traps and sewage lifting pumps.
Long term benefits
The processed wastewater is being reused locally to irrigate the adjacent flora and fauna. The reuse of the
treated wastewater provides a regular flow of 'free' water which, reduces the ongoing cost and carbon footprint of using expensively produced desalinated water.

Internal of the main bar area during construction

Company details

28 August 2015
Ecoprocess have provided a professional service to us for several projects. They are the only full service provider for this type of plant. They are quick to respond to queries and a joy to work with.
Ron Latchman Head of Projects and Maintenance