Airfield Lighting control and monitoring system - smartcontrol

Almiant Marco A. Zar airport - Argentina - Runway Upgrade

The airport officially known as Almiranted Marco Andres Zar is used by both civilian airlines and the Argentinian naval aviation squadron. During 2017 the airport underwent a major runway construction project costing in the region of $12million which will enable the airport to increase its passenger capacity in excess of 230,000 per annum.

The construction had to be completed in a short period of time, due to airlines being diverted to Puerto Madryn El Tehuelche Airport, and also the seasonal weather conditions needed to be considered. Subsequently a close working relationship was established with our counterparts to ensure that the overall project achieved it’s tight deadlines. Over 350 AGL runway and taxiway fixtures were consolidated, along with Micro 100 CCR’s, airfield guidance signs and ancillary equipment at a facility in Florida, ready for final shipment to site.

Company details

12 March 1991