Pre-used refurbished industrial welding equipment

Refurbished Welding Equipment Optimise Clean Room Facilities

Sentinel Gas meet a series of application needs in industries as diverse as automotive, pharmaceutical and research and, in all cases, design systems that can handle gas supplies up to 300 bar – often of a hazardous or toxic nature. These systems are installed globally. In many cases, this calls for tube welding of the highest quality, which pointed the company towards the AMI units and the services available from Westermans International
Small diameter pipework of between an eighth of an inch and two inches, and often made of specialist material such as stainless steel, is at the heart of most of the installations undertaken by Sentinel Gas Systems. The AMI orbital welders ensure clean, consistent results are achieved with the added benefit of a memory function. This has a clear beneficial impact on repeatability, helping to optimise high quality results every time, and is central to the AMI 207 being able to meet a long list of industry standards.


Orbital welding equipment for tube and pipe welding

Peter Westerman, Founder of Westermans International Ltd

Company details

28 October 2003
Oil and gas
“Quality welding is central to the work that we undertake, particularly as it is at the high performance end of the spectrum, so it is not only a factor on a project-by-project basis, but is effectively at the heart of our reputation,” concludes Stephen Kane at Sentinel. “Our work with Westermans International helps to give us – and our customers – long term confidence in the services we provide.”
Stephen Kane, Sentinel Gas