Sustainable Infrastructure: the key to achieving energy transition


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimates that about 60% of global emissions are related to infrastructure.

To achieve the transition to energy generation that is resource efficient and sustainable requires the implementation of the latest clean technologies.

There is a global need to make power systems flexible to enable them to facilitate cleaner, more reliable, more resilient, and affordable energy.

Increased renewables and decentralised energy generation means that power grids need to be managed differently through the use of smart systems, data and energy storage to balance supply and demand efficiently.

The UK’s energy system has become adept at developing new capabilities, business models and agility to match the changing system. This includes optimisation of mini grids, digital innovation (i.e., data storage) and energy storage deployment.

There is a supply chain in the UK that is more than capable of addressing the needs of energy transition wherever in the world it is required.

Transforming the energy infrastructure

There are several factors involved in achieving the necessary changes to any energy infrastructure to make it more sustainable.

Here are just some of those factors and how they can help remove barriers to cleaner energy to make your energy infrastructure cleaner and more sustainable.

Heat pumps: key to the decarbonisation of buildings

In all industrialised nations, buildings are the largest emitters of carbon.

Without decarbonising them, lower emissions targets will not be reached.

In the UK government’s Ten Point Plan, we committed to increase annual heat pump installation in the UK to grow to at least 600,000 a year by 2028. In response, we are seeing investment into new and expanding manufacturing, innovation and capability to deliver low carbon solution at home and internationally.

Engineering: well placed to support the transition


The UK’s engineering industry is well placed to support energy transition globally.

UK consultants and contractors are amongst many of the world’s leading mechanical and electrical engineers, and environmental and social scientists.

Working together, they offer a depth of knowledge across the feasibility spectrum to deliver expert advice on an energy developer’s options.

Engineers from all disciplines are available to design, build, operate, and make safe the infrastructure and technologies for decarbonisation. The UK has capability in these sub-sectors and throughout the supply chains and can offer:

  • Architectural, design and quantity surveying
  • Manufacture of products and materials including metal structures, joinery, construction products etc.
  • Knowledge and skills in energy efficient and energy using products
  • Understanding of environmental and chemical legislation

Clean Growth: Sustainable Infrastructure

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Responsible for a high percentage of global emisssions, infrastructure presents you with the opportunity to achieve clean growth through UK-based partner businesses, products and services involved in this part of the energy transition process.

Find out how your country or organisation could benefit greatly from partnering with UK industries and services in developing a sustainable energy infrastructure, visit