France - Wastewater services

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
01 December 2023
Opportunity publication date
09 October 2023
Value of contract
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The purpose of this consultation is to conclude a public service concession contract for the operation of the Batailler inter-union wastewater treatment plant in Bormes-Les-Mimosas and the Syndicat's inter-union wastewater collection facilities. The consultation is being carried out in accordance with the procedure described in articles L.1411-1 to L.1411-18 of the Code général des collectivités territoriales (Cgct) and in compliance with the provisions of articles L.3120-1 et seq. and R. 3121-1 et seq. of the Code de la commande publique (Ccp). Variants are requested (see details in the contract documents).
the concessionaire operates the service at its own risk. Management of the service includes:- Operation of the wastewater treatment plant, including in particular: maintenance, monitoring, repairs and any necessary renewals of the installations to ensure continuity of service to users; - Operation of the works ancillary to the wastewater treatment plant, namely: the Batailler lift station, the sea outfall (land and sea sections) and the land outfall to the Batailler stream;- maintenance work, equipment renewal and, where necessary, service improvements;- carrying out concessionary investments on behalf of the local authority;- sludge management and transportation in accordance with regulations, in particular with a view to maintaining compliance and obtaining the maximum purification premium;- maintaining up-to-date inventories of the service's tangible and intangible assets, and collecting and making use of information relating to the operation of the facilities and the performance of the service; - managing relations with the local authority, including the regular provision, on request, of all information and summaries on the management and technical and financial operation of the service.

Opportunity closing date
01 December 2023
Value of contract

About the buyer

sivom bll 1 place St François Bormes-les-Mimosas 83230 France

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