Poland - Road construction works

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
30 March 2023
Opportunity publication date
27 February 2023
Value of contract
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The subject matter of the contract is "Extension of provincial road No. 634 on the indicated sections in the municipalities of Zielonka, Kobylka, Wolomin: - section from km 26+831 to km 31+970". - Procedure no. 040/232 Detailed description of the subject matter of the contract is contained in the Tender Documentation (Part IV of the SWZ) and in the Work Schedule - provided only for reference (Part V of the SWZ). The Contractor should calculate the value of the works on the basis of the attached project documentation. 3 The term of the contract: 36 months from the date of signing the contract including: - 30 months from the date of signing of the contract - the term of execution of the works, winter periods are included in the term of execution of the works;- up to 36 months from the date of signing of the contract - the term of execution of the subject matter of the contract.
The subject matter of the contract is "Extension of provincial road No. 634 on the indicated sections in the municipalities of Zielonka, Kobylka, Wolomin: - section from km 26+831 to km 31+970". - Procedure no. 040/232 Detailed description of the subject matter of the contract is contained in the Tender Documentation (Part IV of the SWZ) and in the Work Schedule - provided only for reference (Part V of the SWZ). The Contractor shall calculate the value of the works on the basis of the attached project documentation. (3) The Contractor shall be obliged to ensure, at his own expense, safe traffic and pedestrian traffic conditions in the area of works under the contract on the basis of the traffic organization project, "during construction" prepared by and at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be obliged to update the project of permanent traffic organization.4. In the event of commencement of construction works on the section of DW 634 from km 26+012 to km 26+831, the Contractor will be obliged to coordinate the works at the junction of the sections with the contractor of the section from km 26+012 to km 26+831.5. The construction of the MV main covered by the decision No. 25/SPEC/2022 on permission for the implementation of road investment, dated February 10, 2022, is excluded from the scope of MZDW investment. The Contractor shall be obliged to enable the construction of the MV main by PGE Dystrybucja S.A. by providing access to the construction site, coordinating construction works, etc.). - in accordance with the terms of the agreement of April 20, 2020.6. In the case of indication in the description of the subject matter of the contract of trademarks, patents or origin, source or specific process that characterizes the product or services provided by a particular contractor, the Contracting Authority allows equivalent solutions.7. In the case of reference in the description of the subject matter of the contract to standards, European technical evaluations, approvals, technical specifications and technical reference systems, the Contracting Authority allows equivalent solutions to those described. 8 Common Procurement Vocabulary CPV: 45233120-645232111-645233294-645230000-89 The subject of the contract is not divided into parts. The contracting authority does not allow the submission of partial bids.10. The contracting authority does not allow the submission of variant bids and in the form of electronic catalogs.11. The contracting authority provides for the award of contracts referred to in Article 214 (1) (7) of the Public Procurement Law up to a total net value of PLN 76,829,268.29.Within the framework of a similar contract it is envisaged: - demolition works,- earthworks,- felling of trees, bushes, and clearing of stumps,- removal of collisions- construction of the roadway structure of the provincial road and the inlets of the district and municipal roads,- additional roadway construction works- finishing works,- setting of curb sewers, curbs and edges on a concrete bench,- construction of the sidewalk structure and pedestrian and bicycle path,- works on rainwater and sanitary sewerage,- works on construction of water pipelines, gas pipelines and thermal networks,- works on construction and reconstruction of street lighting, traffic lights- telecommunication works,- execution of noise barriers- traffic organization elements,- construction of exits structures with culverts,- execution of greenery planting- construction of bus bays structures,- works on construction of reservoirs.The aforementioned works relate to the section on which the construction works will be performed and/or adjacent sections.Additional information:The Contracting Authority provides for the application of the so-called reverse procedure, referred to in Article 139(1) of the PPL, i.e. the Contracting Authority will first examine and evaluate the bids, and then perform the subject qualification of the Contractor whose bid was rated highest, in terms of lack of grounds for exclusion and fulfillment of the conditions for participation in the procedure.In accordance with Article 257 of the PPL, Contracting Authority provides for the possibility of cancelling the proceedings in question if the public funds that the Contracting Authority intended to allocate to finance all or part of the contract have not been awarded to it.

Opportunity closing date
30 March 2023
Value of contract

About the buyer

Mazowiecki Zarząd Dróg Wojewódzkich w Warszawie ul. Mazowiecka 14 Warszawa 00-048 Poland

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