France - Reinforcement of an external elevator shaft in the archives building of the Hôtel du Département de la Seine-Maritime

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
08 December 2023
Opportunity publication date
28 October 2023
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Department(s) of publication : 76 Annonce No 23-148796 I.II.III.IV.V.VI. FNS SIMPLE AVIS DE MARCHÉ Section I : Identification of the buyer Full name of the buyer : Département de Seine-Maritime Type of National identification number : SIRET National identification number : 22760540900019 City : ROUEN CEDEX Postal code : 76101 Grouping of orders : No Publication department(s) : 76 Section 2 : Communication Direct link to the consultation documents : Identifiant interne de la consultation : Intégralité des documents sur le profil d'acheteur : Oui Utilisation de moyens de communication non communément disponibles : Non Nom du contact : Département de la Seine-Maritime Adresse mail du contact : Numéro de téléphone du contact : +33 235035555 Section 3 : Procedure Type of procedure : Procédure adaptée ouverte Conditions of participation : aptitude à exercer l'activité professionnelle - conditions / moyens de preuve : - Copie du ou des jugements prononcés, si le candidat est en redressement judiciaire.- - Declaration sur l'honneur du candidat attestée : - A copy of all documents relating to the tender. Declaration on the candidate's honor that he/she has complied with articles L. 5212-1, L. 5212-2, L. 5212-5 and L. 5212-9 of the French Labor Code concerning the employment of disabled workers during the year preceding that in which the consultation is launched- Form Dc1, Letter of application _ Habilitation of the representative by his/her co-contractors (available at the following address: Form Dc2, Declaration by the individual candidate or member of the group.(available at the following address: The documents specified in articles D. 8222-5 or D. 8222-7 and D. 8222-8 of the French Labor Code- If the successful bidder is established in France, the attestations and certificates issued by the relevant administrations and bodies proving that it has met its tax and social security obligations, or an annual statement of certificates received- If the successful bidder is established in France, a declaration on the candidate's honor justifying that the work is carried out by employees regularly employed with regard to articles L. 1221-10, L. 3243-2 and R. 3243-1 of the French Labor Code (in the event that the candidate employs employees, in accordance with article D. 8222-5-3° of the French Labor Code)- If the candidate is established or domiciled abroad, a declaration on the candidate's honor attesting that he provides his employees with pay slips containing the information specified in article R. 3243-1 du code du travail, or equivalent documents economic and financial capacity - conditions/means of proof: - Appropriate bank declaration or proof of insurance for professional risks technical and professional capacity - conditions/means of proof: - Declaration indicating the tools, materials and technical equipment available to the candidate for carrying out contracts of the same nature A statement of the candidate's average annual headcount and the number of supervisory staff for each of the last three years - A list of the work carried out by the candidate and the number of supervisory staff for each of the last three years Presentation of a list of works carried out over the last five years, supported by certificates of satisfactory execution for the most important works Purchasing technique: Not applicable Deadline for receipt of bids: December 8, 2023 - 16:00 Presentation of bids by electronic catalog: Prohibited Reduction in the number of candidates: No Possibility of awarding without negotiation: Yes The purchaser requires the presentation of variants: No Identification of the categories of purchasers involved (if framework agreement): Award criteria: set out in the Rc Section 4: Contract identification Contract title: Reinforcement of an external elevator shaft at the archives building of the Hôtel du Département de la Seine-Maritime Main CPV code: 45262210 Type of contract: Works Brief description of the contract: The contract covers the following services: Reinforcement of an external elevator shaft in the archives building of the Hôtel du Département de la Seine-MaritimeThe works fall within Category 1 as defined by article R.4532-1 of the French Labour Code Main place of performance of the contract: Hôtel du Département 76101 - Rouen Cedex Contract duration (in months): 3 Estimated value (excluding VAT): Value between: and : Section 5 : Lots This block is not accessible because the object is not allotted.Section 6 : Additional information Mandatory visit : Yes Visit details (if yes) : A mandatory visit of the site is planned. It is essential that, before drawing up his offer, the candidate gets to know the site Other additional information : Date of dispatch of this notice : October 23, 2023 Receive similar notices

Opportunity closing date
08 December 2023
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Département de Seine Maritime France

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