Poland - Natural gas

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
05 October 2023
Opportunity publication date
09 September 2023
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The subject matter of the contract is a comprehensive supply - including sale and provision of distribution services - of high-methane natural gas with symbol E in the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024.
1) The subject matter of the contract is the comprehensive supply - including sale and provision of distribution services - of high-methane natural gas with symbol E in the period from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024 with a total forecast volume of 900,857 KWh to the Ordering Party's facility located at 8 Sportowa Street, 97-410 Kleszczów.2) The Ordering Party informs that the entire contract CRZPU/6/2023 is subject to tariff protection. The Ordering Party expects to apply the unit price for the delivered gaseous fuel in accordance with the regulations contained in the Act on special solutions to protect customers of gaseous fuels in connection with the situation on the gas market for the Gas Intake Point covered by the proceedings.3) The Contracting Authority informs that PPG 8018590365500019228087 is subject to partial - 28.74% tariff protection (according to the attached statement).The Contracting Authority explains that PPG 8018590365500019228087 in the tender proceedings:- CRZPU-6-2023 in 28.74% is subject to tariff protection - CRZPU-4-2023 in 71.26% - without tariff protection. The Contractor has already been selected in the subject proceeding.The gas will be supplied through the same consumption point - which is technically and legally permissible (according to the letter from PSG dated April 14, 2023, which is attached as Appendix No. 5). 4) The Ordering Party shall allow a change in the amount of the fixed fee and variable fee during the term of the contract resulting from the approval by the President of the ERO of the new Operator's Tariff.5) The Contractor shall initiate the provision and settlement of the distribution service within a single point of the DSO by submitting the relevant documents to the DSO on the basis of the Ordering Party's statement on the allocation to the relevant contracts of contractual capacity and volume of gaseous fuel on a single metering system made on the basis of the Allocation (Allocation in the sense of the above) made by the Ordering Party. The Contractor shall cooperate with the local DSO and the other Contractor in the supply of fuel to the customer not protected by the same PPG. All fuel costs and fixed and variable supplies will be billed in accordance with the allocation made. 6) Quality standardsThe subject of the contract is the supply of high-methane natural gas through the distribution network belonging to the Distribution System Operator: Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, with quality standards defined, in accordance with applicable regulations, together with the transmission service.Supplies and distribution services provided on the basis of a comprehensive agreement will be performed under the terms and conditions set forth in the Energy Law Act of April 10, 1997 and its implementing regulations, and in accordance with the provisions of the OSD tariff. The quality parameters of gaseous fuels are governed by the provisions of the Energy Law, implementing acts and Polish Standards.7) The Contractor will perform all actions and arrangements with the DSO necessary to carry out the procedure for changing the seller (in part in the scope of a protected customer) and effective commencement of sale of gaseous fuel, including in particular: termination of existing comprehensive agreements (in case the Ordering Party failed to fulfill this obligation), notification to the DSO of a new contract for sale of gaseous fuel. These activities will be carried out by the Contractor on the basis of the relevant powers of attorney granted by the Ordering Party along with the conclusion of the contract for the sale of gas fuel.8) The expected consumption of gas fuel is an estimate and serves to compare bids. 9) Distribution fee rates indicated in the price form must be in accordance with the current tariff of the local DSO and may change during the execution of the contract if the tariff of the local DSO changes. For the purpose of conducting these proceedings and comparing bids, the Contractors in the calculation of their bids will accept the indicated values of the rates in accordance with the current tariff of the local OSD for the entire period of contract performance.10) Settlements for the sale of gaseous fuel will take place on the basis of indications of metering and billing systems.

Opportunity closing date
05 October 2023
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

„SOLPARK KLESZCZÓW” SP. Z O.O. ul. Sportowa 8 Kleszczów 97-410 Poland

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