France - Gaseous fuels

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
15 December 2023
Opportunity publication date
27 April 2022
9120000: Gas
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Report opportunity


The call for tenders concerns the construction and operation of new production facilities located in mainland France that produce biomethane from biogas captured at non-hazardous waste storage facilities or by digester methanization of non-hazardous products or waste and that inject this production into a natural gas network. The successful applicants designated by the Minister in charge of energy benefit from a purchase contract for the biomethane produced and injected into a natural gas network, drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of Chapter VI of Title IV of Book IV of the regulatory part of the Energy Code and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the specifications.
New production facilities located in mainland France that produce biomethane from biogas collected from non-hazardous waste storage facilities or by digester methanization of defined non-hazardous products or waste and that inject this production into a natural gas network are eligible for this call for tenders.A first period is planned in 2022 for the contracting of a cumulated production capacity of 500 GWh PCS/year, and two other periods in 2023, each of them for the contracting of a cumulated production capacity of 550 GWh PCS/year.For each period, it is planned to reserve a volume of 200 GWh PCS/year as a priority for projects with a projected annual production of less than 50 GWh PCS/year. The candidate whose bid has been selected undertakes to complete its installation before the deadline defined in the specifications.

Opportunity closing date
15 December 2023
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Ministère de la transition écologique Hôtel de Roquelaure, 246 boulevard Saint-Germain Paris 75007 France

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