United States - DHS/TSA Commercial Solutions Opening Pilot - General Solicitation - Automated Field Data Collection Activities

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
20 May 2024
Opportunity publication date
15 April 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Commercial Solutions Opening Pilot Program (CSOP) is a Non- Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) based solicitation authority for acquiring innovative and commercial solutions. Section 880 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2017 (Pub. L.114-328), which was recently extended in December 2022 through 2027, authorized DHS to implement a program to competitively procure innovative commercial items, technologies, and services using CSOP procedures. CSOP is a new acquisition mechanism that provides a streamlined acquisition process and simplified contract terms that is designed to maximize efficiency and economy and minimize burden and administrative costs for both the Government and industry.
The purpose of this CSOP general solicitation is to seek industry innovative commercial solutions related to Automated Field Data Collection capabilities. These capabilities collect data that cannot be retrieved from existing security equipment, including, but not limited to: passenger time spent at the Travel Document Checker (TDC) podium, passenger divest time, secondary screening time and cause for alarm. The CSOP procedures are outlined in the attached Solicitation document "Automate Field Data Collection Activities CSOP Solicitation 70 04024CSOP7573N001".
This solicitation is limited to innovative commercial products or services as defined below:
“Any new technology, process, or method, including research and development, or any new application of an existing technology, process, or method.”

The general solicitation process will include a multi-phased solicitation and evaluation approach: Phase 1 - Submission and Evaluation of a Written Solution Brief, which may also include an optional invitation for a Technical Demonstration and Phase 2-Request for Full Proposal Submission.
Potential vendors are hereby advised of the following:
1. This general solicitation for solution briefs is not a guarantee that award and obligation of funds will be made.
2. The costs incurred by companies in the preparation and submission of their solution briefs, technical demonstrations (if applicable), and / or full proposals in response to the solicitation will not be paid by the government.
3. All written solution briefs, technical demonstrations (if applicable) and proposals will be evaluated on their individual merits rather than on a comparative basis, and the Government has considerable latitude in determining which of the submitted proposals it will fund.
4. All potential recipients of CSOP awards must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) before the recipient is awarded the CSOP contract.
5. Awards made through this upcoming CSOP solicitation are intended to be made throughout Fiscal Year 2024 subject to availability of funds.
Please review the attached solicitation for submission instructions and evaluation procedures. Additionally, please review the attached Statement of Objectives as a supplement to the solicitation document.
See Attachments:

Automated Field Data Collection Activities CSOP Solicitation 70 04024CSOP7573N001

Attachment 1 - Statement of Objectives - Automated Field Data Collection Activities
Attachment 2 - Solicitation 70 04024CSOP7573N001 Questions

Opportunity closing date
20 May 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer


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