France - Convention De Participation - provident scheme

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Provided by Open Opps
Opportunity closing date
23 February 2024
Opportunity publication date
12 January 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed
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Department(s) of publication : 81 Annonce No 24-2033 I.II.III.IV.VI. TENDER NOTICE Directive 2014/24/UE This notice constitutes a call for tenders Section I: Contracting authority I.1) NAME AND ADDRESSES Centre de Gestion de la FPT du Tarn, Numéro national d'identification : 28810903600013, Maison des Communes , 188 Rue de Jarlard, 81000, ALBI, F, Téléphone : (+33) 5 63 60 16 68, Courriel : [email protected] , Code NUTS : FRJ27 Adresse(s) internet : Adresse principale : Adresse du profil acheteur : I.2) JOINT PROCEDURE I.3) COMMUNICATION The contract documents are available free of charge in full and unrestricted direct access at the following address: Address from which additional information may be obtained: the above-mentioned contact point(s) Tenders or requests to participate must be sent: electronically to the following address: I.4) TYPE OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Body governed by public law I.5) PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY General services of public administrations Section II: Purpose II.1) SCOPE OF CONTRACT II.1.1) Title: Convention De Participation - prévoyance Reference number: C2023-07 II.1.2) Main CPV code: Main descriptor: 66510000 Additional descriptor: II.1.3) Type of contract Services II.1.4) Brief description: Convention de participation pour la mise en uvre d'une couverture complémentaire de prévoyanceaux profits des agents des collectivités territoriales et établissements publics affiliés au Centre De Gestion du Tarn - Cdg 81 ainsi que les propres agents du Cdg 81 II.1.5) Estimated total value : Value excluding VAT : euros II.1.6) Information on lots : This contract is divided into lots : no II.2) DESCRIPTION II.2.1) Title : Lot nº : II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) Main CPV code : 66510000 Additional descriptor : II.2.3) Place of performance NUTS code : FRJ27 Main place of performance : II.2.4) Description des prestations : Convention de participation pour la mise en uvre d'une couverture complémentaire de prévoyanceaux profits des agents des collectivités territoriales et établissements publics affiliés au Centre De Gestion du Tarn - Cdg 81 ainsi que les propres agents du Cdg 81 II.2.5) Award criteria criteria set out below Quality criterion 1. degree of solidarity between members / Weighting: 25 2. financial control of the system / Weighting: 15 3. means designed to ensure effective cover for the oldest and most at-risk employees / Weighting: 10 Cost: 1. relationship between the quality of cover and the proposed price / Weighting: 50 II.2.6) Estimated value Value excluding VAT: euros II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system Start: 1.e.r January 2025 - End: 31 December 2030 This contract may be subject to renewal:no Description of the arrangements or timetable for renewal: II.2.9) Information on the limits concerning the number of candidates invited to participate Objective criteria for limiting the number of candidates : II.2.10) Variants Variants will be taken into consideration :no II.2.11) Information on options Options : yes Description of options : In addition to the basic solution, options are requested (details in the Ccp) and must be priced II.2.12) Information on electronic catalogs II.2.13) Information on European Union funds The contract is part of a project/program financed by European Union funds: no Project identification: II.2.14) Additional information: Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information III.1) CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION III.1.1) Qualification to carry out the professional activity, including requirements relating to registration in the trade or professional register List and brief description of conditions: - Copy of the judgement(s) pronounced, if the candidate is in receivership - Document proving that the candidate holds a specific authorization or is a member of a specific organization to be able to provide the service in question in its country of origin - Declaration on the candidate's honor attesting that he/she is a member of a specific organization to be able to provide the service in question in his/her country of origin. Declaration on the candidate's honor that he/she has complied with articles L. 5212-1, L. 5212-2, L. 5212-5 and L. 5212-9 of the French Labor Code concerning the employment of disabled workers during the year preceding that in which the consultation is launched- Form Dc1, Letter of application _ Habilitation of the representative by his/her co-contractors (available at the following address: Form Dc2, Declaration by the individual candidate or member of the group.(available at the following address: The documents specified in articles D. 8222-5 or D. 8222-7 and D. 8222-8 of the French Labor Code- If the successful bidder is established in France, the attestations and certificates issued by the relevant administrations and bodies proving that it has met its tax and social security obligations, or an annual statement of certificates received- If the successful bidder is established in France, a declaration on the candidate's honor justifying that the work is carried out by employees regularly employed with regard to articles L. 1221-10, L. 3243-2 and R. 3243-1 of the French Labor Code (in the event that the candidate employs employees, in accordance with article D. 8222-5-3° of the French Labor Code)- If the candidate is established or domiciled abroad, a declaration on the candidate's honor attesting that he/she provides his/her employees with pay slips containing the information specified in article R. 3243-1 du code du travail, or equivalent documents- If the documents supplied by the applicant are not in French, they must be accompanied by a translation into French, certified as true to the original by a sworn translator- If the documents supplied by the applicant are not in French, they must be accompanied by a translation into French, certified as true to the original by a sworn translator III.1.2) Economic and financial capacity List and brief description of selection criteria: - Balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets, for the last three years, of economic operators for whom the drawing up of balance sheets is compulsory by law; - Declaration concerning overall sales and sales concerning the supplies, services or work covered by the contract, carried out over the last three available financial years Minimum specific level(s) required: III.1.3) Technical and professional capability List and brief description of the selection criteria, together with details of the information and documents required: - Certificates of professional qualifications Proof of the applicant's capability may be furnished by any means, in particular by certificates of professional identity or references to works attesting to the economic operator's competence to provide the service for which he is applying - Certificates drawn up by quality control departments authorized to certify the conformity of supplies by reference to certain technical specifications. Other proof of equivalent quality assurance measures produced by the candidate will be accepted, if the latter does not have access to these certificates or has no possibility of obtaining them within the set deadlines- Samples, descriptions and/or photographs of the supplies- Indication of the educational and professional qualifications of the economic operator- Indication of the educational and professional qualifications of the company's executives and in particular of those responsible for providing services or carrying out work of a similar nature to that of the contract- Presentation of a list of the main supplies to be provided by the economic operator- Indication of the qualifications of the company's executives and in particular of those responsible for providing services or carrying out work of a similar nature to that of the contract- Indication of the qualifications of the company's executives and in particular of those responsible for providing services or carrying out work of a similar nature to that of the contract. Presentation of a list of the main supplies or services carried out over the last three years, indicating the amount, date and public or private recipient Specific minimum level(s) required: III.1.5) Information on reserved contracts: III.2) CONDITIONS RELATED TO THE CONTRACT III.2.1) Information relating to the profession References of applicable legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions: III.2III.2.2) Specific performance conditions : III.2.3) Information on personnel responsible for contract performance III.2.4) Contract eligible for MPS Transmission and verification of application documents may be carried out by the simplified public procurement system on presentation of the SIRET number : NO Section IV : Procedure IV.1) DESCRIPTION IV.1.1) Type of procedure Open procedure IV.1.3) Information on the framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system In the case of framework agreements - justification of a duration exceeding four years: IV.1.4) Information on the reduction of the number of solutions or offers during negotiation or dialogue IV.1.5) Information on negotiation IV.1.6) Electronic auction : IV.1.8) Information concerning the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement : yes IV.2) ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION IV.2.1) Previous publication relating to this procedure Number of the notice in the OJ S series : IV.2.2) Deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate February 23, 2024 - 17:00 IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to the selected candidates Date: IV.2.4) Language(s) which may be used in the tender or request to participate: French IV.2.6) Minimum period during which the tenderer is required to maintain his tender: The tender must be valid until: or Duration in months: 4 (From the deadline for receipt of tenders) IV.2.7) Tender opening procedure Date: 26 February 2024 - 15:00 Place: Albi Information on authorized persons and opening procedure: Section VI: Additional information VI.1) RENEWAL This is not a renewable contract Provisional publication schedule for future notices: VI.2) INFORMATION ON ELECTRONIC EXCHANGES VI.3) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All bids must be submitted by electronic means. To find the full notice, access the DCE, ask the purchaser questions or submit a bid, go to - "The individual candidate, or each member of the grouping, must not fall within one of the cases of exclusion from the award procedure provided for in the Public Order Code. All documents can be found on the purchaser's profile" VI.4) APPEAL PROCEDURES VI.4.1) Instance chargée des procédures de recours : Tribunal administratif de Toulouse, 68 rue Raymond Iv, 31068, Toulouse, F, Téléphone : (+33) 5 62 73 57 57, Courriel : [email protected] , Fax : (+33) 5 62 73 57 40 VI.4.2) Organe chargé des procédures de médiation : VI.4.3) Introduction of appeal : Precisions concerning the deadlines for introduction of appeal : Cf. Le greffe du Tribunal Administratif à l'adresse ci-dessus VI.4.4) Service auprès dont des renseignements peuvent être obtenus sur l'introduction de recours : VI.5) DATE OF SENDING OF THIS NOTICE January 6, 2024 Receive similar notices

Opportunity closing date
23 February 2024
Value of contract
to be confirmed

About the buyer

Centre de gestion de la fonction publique territoriale du Tarn FRANCE

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