Poland - Beach cleaning services
For more information and to make a bid you will need to go to the third party website.
Provided by- Opportunity closing date
- 29 November 2023
- Opportunity publication date
- 25 October 2023
- Category
- 90680000
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
- Your guide to exporting
A detailed description of the subject matter of the contract has been specified in appendix no. 9 to the SWZ.3 Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV): beach cleaning services90.51.00.00-5 removal and treatment of waste, removal of biological waste90.62.00.00-9 snow removal services.
The subject matter of the contract is the implementation of the task titled: maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness of the technical belt, dunes and exits and accesses to the beach within the administrative boundaries of the city of Kolobrzeg.2. A detailed description of the subject matter of the contract is specified in Annex No. 9 to the SWZ.The Employer does not allow the submission of partial bids. Reasons for not dividing: the contract in question is indivisible into parts and forms an inseparable whole. Division of the contract would be unreasonable and could jeopardize the proper execution of the contract. According to recitals 78 and 79 of the preamble to the Classical Directive 2014/24/EU, the contracting authority is free to decide autonomously the advisability of dividing the contract into parts, guided in this regard by its needs, in particular taking into account the scope of the subject matter of the contract. The contract in question is indivisible into parts and forms an inseparable whole, which means that it cannot be divided into parts, for technical, organizational and economic reasons, and the lack of division of the contract into parts does not distort competition in the proceedings. The contract in question allows for subcontracting/joint bidding. 5. The contracting authority does not allow the submission of variant bids and in the form of electronic catalogs.6. The contracting authority does not allow the submission of variant bids and in the form of electronic catalogs.7.The Contracting Authority does not provide for the award of contracts referred to in art. 214 par. 1 item 7 of the Public Procurement Law. 8. Pursuant to art. 95 par. 1 of the Public Procurement Law, in order to ensure proper execution of the subject matter of the contract, the Contracting Authority requires that the Contractor, subcontractor or further subcontractor employs on the basis of an employment relationship, as defined by the act of 26.06.1974. - Labor Code (Journal of Laws 2023.1465, i.e.) persons performing the following activities: beach cleaning services and snow removal services.9. Detailed requirements for the implementation and enforcement of the requirement of employment on the basis of an employment contract are set forth in the Model Agreement and OPZ, constituting Attachments No. 8 and 9 to the SWZ, respectively.10. Detailed description and method of implementation of the contract is contained in the OPZ, constituting Attachment No. 9 to the SWZ.
- Opportunity closing date
- 29 November 2023
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
About the buyer
- Address
- Gmina Miasto Kołobrzeg Miejski Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji w Kołobrzegu Łopuskiego 38 Kołobrzeg 78-100 Poland
- Contact
- k.dawid@mosir.kolobrzeg.pl
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