Canada - 2024067 - Engineering Services for Carrick Drive Virginia River Culvert Replacement Project
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Provided by
- Opportunity closing date
- 17 April 2024
- Opportunity publication date
- 27 March 2024
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
- Your guide to exporting
The City of St. John’s is seeking submissions from qualified engineering firms, licensed to practice in the Province of NL, for engineering services associated with replacing the existing twin 1600mm x 3000mm structural plate corrugated arch pipe culverts and their associated headwalls/wingwalls at the location where Carrick Drive crosses the Virginia River.The successful proponent will be required to provide a wide range of design and administrative services for the duration of the project, including but not limited to the review of existing information, collection of field information, completion of preliminary and detailed design, preparation of contract drawings and specifications for tender call, pre-tender cost estimating, provision of tender support services, provision of contract administration services and field inspection services during construction, as well as the preparation of an as-built completions package.The preliminary engineering and detailed design work are expected to begin in May of 2024, and completed in time for a possible Sprin 2025 construction start pending available funding. The City of St. John’s only has a budget allotment for engineering services at this time, there is currently no approved funding for construction phase of this project.The potential scope of Deliverables contemplated in this RFP is divided into two separate phases, as described in more detail in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D):Phase 1 – DesignPhase 2 – Contract Administration, Field Inspection Services & As-BuiltsProponents must submit proposals that address the full potential scope of the Deliverables and the ranking of proponents will be based on the evaluation of the complete proposals in respect of both the Phase 1 Deliverables and the Phase 2 Deliverables.Based on the evaluation process described in this RFP, the selected proponent, if any, will be invited to negotiate a contract for the provision of the Phase 1 Deliverables.The City’s ability to move forward with subsequent phases of the Deliverables is contingent on funding (Construction is scheduled to begin in 2024 pending approval of construction funding). Therefore, at the time of entering into a contract with the successful proponent, no commitment will be made by the City for the purchase of the Phase 2 Deliverables. However, proponents are advised that the potential scope of the contract resulting from this RFP may be expanded to include any or all of the Phase 2 Deliverables.If funding is approved, the City may choose to do any of the following:invite the supplier that provided the Phase 1 Deliverables to negotiate an expansion of the scope of services under the contract to include any or all of the Phase 2 Deliverables;in the event that the supplier that provided the Phase 1 Deliverables has done so in a manner that is unsatisfactory to the City, the City may in its sole discretion, conduct a new procurement process for the award of a separate contract for any or all of the Phase 2 Deliverables; orNot proceed with any contract for the Phase 2 Deliverables.Hourly rates included in this RFP will be adjusted using the year to year (i.e. November to November) percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for Newfoundland and Labrador (as determined by Statistics Canada – All Items), for the year previous to the year that the unit price is adjusted. Adjustments will only apply for services in 2025 and after.
- Opportunity closing date
- 17 April 2024
- Value of contract
- to be confirmed
About the buyer
- Address
- City of St. John's CANADA
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