Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business registered in Companies House
Number of employees
11-50 employees
Core industry
Healthcare and medical


UK registered company – number 09365602

Registered office address:

Stirling House 71 Francis Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 8SP


Company description

Rare: is an audience insight consultancy, with a global reach. We specialise in helping business understand their customers, and helping them create strategies to market to them more effectively

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Products and services

Market Research, Customer Research, Brand Research, Digital Product Development, Innovation

Management consulting
Business development, Strategy and long-term planning, Commercial and pricing strategy
Publicity and communication
Advertising, Branding, Social media, Marketing

Rare: case studies

Helping a USA company understand UK market better

Our client, based in the USA wanted to measure what UK customers thought about their brand, and to identify who their main competitors were.

Helping USA retailer understand European Market

In 2016 a USA retailer commissioned Rare to help them understand what people thought of their brand in UK, France and Switzerland