Sci-Glass Consultancy
Contact company

Business details

Business type
UK business not registered in Companies House
Number of employees
1-10 employees
Core industry
Business and consumer services
Hunter’s Oak, Trendle Lane, Bere Alston, PL20 7HT

Sci-Glass Consultancy

Company description

Sci-Glass Consultancy• Master 'blower executing lamp-worked creations• I will turn your ideas into ‘glorious glass’ I design, manufacture & repair artistic & scientific glassware • I will come to you [worldwide] to deliver 1st class Training

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Products and services

Scientific Glassware, Customised glassblowing, Training Glassblowers, Overseas tuition, Glass Design. Advice on machinery used to process glass.


Agriculture, horticulture and fisheries, Chemicals, Education and training, Giftware, jewellery and tableware, Life sciences, Metals, minerals and materials, Oil and gas, Renewable energy

Sci-Glass Consultancy case studies

Delivering Glassblowing training to Overseas clients

I will visit you worldwide; teach glassblowing skills to your students - novice to improver grades I design, repair academic, laboratory and scientific apparatus & deliver safety training seminars