This section isCase study
State of Knowledge Study of Long Distance Transport

HVT workshop
The ITT team carried out thorough literature reviews on the secondary literature available on road and rail infrastructure, transport services, and HVT corridors and networks across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia). They then presented their findings to a sample of stakeholders through deliberative workshops held in Nairobi, Dar es Salaam, and Dhaka. A stakeholder engagement questionnaire was also prepared and circulated online for any potential stakeholders across the project regions that were unable to attend the workshops. The feedback provided from these stakeholder engagement activities, along with the findings of the literature review, ultimately enabled the team to produce a list of recommended research areas and topics that need to be procured in Part 2 of the programme. The team also wrote journal papers addressing some of these proposed research areas, which were ready for peer review before publishing.
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Financial and professional services