This section isCase study
Public Sector Institutional Strengthening Study in Belize

Belize MOW staff
The Ministry of Works (MoW) Belize, contracted ITT to carry out a study and develop a comprehensive plan encompassing the organisational structure, legal framework, and institutional and financing mechanisms for the efficient management and maintenance of public roads in Belize.
ITT’s project team developed a methodology to determine the most cost-effective and efficient structure for management and maintenance of public roads, and assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the existing systems. The methods of construction and maintenance being used at the time were analysed from institutional, legal, and financial perspectives. The public and private entities involved in road construction and maintenance were identified, and their methods, efficiency, manning levels and methods of financing including charges were analysed. ITT were requested to explore alternative future arrangements including the possible establishment of a Road Maintenance Fund.
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Financial and professional services