Contact company

Business details



Business type

UK business registered in Companies House


UK registered company - number 10171094

Registered office address:

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9JQ

Company description

Why choose us? We are a one-stop shop: Providing label printing, labelling, design, customized package sourcing, Responsible Person, and a fulfillment centre to send orders to your buyers directly We are innovative: Adding to our standard formulation range on a bi weekly basis We are passionate: Our passion is in formulation development and we’re excited by new and innovative ideas. If you try calling us at 9pm, we would probably still be in the lab! We are relevant: We stay updated on the latest and expected trends and would pass these insights to assist you your product development and branding. We are ethical: From support local businesses to working with raw suppliers that hold the same standards as us regarding cruelty free and against animal testing. Our Brand: meme embie

Products and services

Private Label Cosmetics, Private Label Skincare, UK Cosmetic Manufacturer, UK Skincare Manufacturer, UK Makeup, Made in UK Cosmetics, Made in UK Skincare, Foundation Manufacturer, Cosmetic Formulation, Face Mask Manufacturer