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Get your business ready for Australia and New Zealand

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Discover how the Australia and New Zealand Free Trade Agreements bring opportunities to supercharge your international growth.

What you’ll learn

  • explore the detail of the Free Trade Agreements
  • how they can be used to benefit UK goods and services companies
  • top tips from Export Champions who have successfully exported to these markets


There are plenty of opportunities in Australia and New Zealand that your business can tap into. The best way of doing that is to start preparing the ground work for a successful export journey to these two markets, worth over £12 Billion in trade combined.​ 

This workshop aims to provide practical advice to UK companies on how to best utilise the provisions and the opportunities in key sectors both Agreements have to offer, for a wider and positive impact on the British economy. It will also provide an opportunity to hear first-hand from Export Champions trading with these markets about their experience.


Irina Shmakova

UK Export Academy Adviser, Department for Business and Trade

Irina has worked in the private and public sectors, both in the UK and overseas. She has helped businesses of all sizes to develop their sales overseas, working across multiple sectors and markets. 

With a particular interest in international market research, international communications and cultural awareness, Irina has led delegations of UK businesses on market visits and trade missions organised by Chambers of Commerce and DBT.

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