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42 Days of GPSR - What do we now know?

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Join us for a discussion about the first 42 days of GPSR with advice, guidance and tips from our panel of experts who are supporting businesses through this new era.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how businesses are coping with the new GPSR frameworks.
  • Understand what challenges it has presented and how to mitigate accordingly.
  • Hear from organisations that are helping businesses like yours to navigate these new regulations.


Since the EU General Product Safety Regulations (GPSR) came into force on 13th December UK businesses have been working hard to navigate the new rules. Lessons have been learned along the way and as many questions have been raised as there are answers. We now know a bit more about how GPSR works in practice for UK Businesses sending goods into the EU and thought it would be a good time to share that working knowledge with you.


Andrea Collins

Managing Director, Global Trade Department

Andrea is an international trade specialist with 25+ years’ experience in the industry. Andrea specializes in importing, exporting, global sustainability, trade compliance, business resilience, and business growth. A passionate ambassador of UK micro businesses and SMEs, she launched Global Trade Department (previously known as The Export Department) to assist these companies expand their horizons internationally, raise the profile of UK goods and services abroad, and add vital resilience to supply chains through global sourcing.

As well as supporting private clients with their international trade endeavours, Andrea delivers 1:1 support and 1-many support for a number of Growth Hubs nationwide and is responsible for the design and delivery of a range of EU transition, international expansion, and business resilience support programmes across the country.

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