Partner with the UK for expert support with large scale education projects
The Department for Business and Trade’s Education Team gives UK providers the dedicated support and advice they need to capitalise on a wide range of global opportunities
Education Sector Advisory Group (ESAG)
The Education Sector Advisory Group (known as ESAG) is a group of key stakeholders representing the UK Education Sector who are responsible for the co-ordination of efforts to boost UK education exports and sets the strategic direction for the Department for Business and Trade’s (DBT) sector officials. The group is led by a DBT minister responsible for the education sector and the DfE (Dept. for Education) universities minister who co-chair the ESAG meetings held trianually.
The group brings together industry, government and relevant partners through inclusion of important representative bodies from the sector.
ESAG is currently being reviewed.

Global demand for UK education
UK education is world-leading and world-renowned. From EdTech to English Language Teaching, international demand for the UK’s innovative products and services continues to grow.
As part of its International Education Strategy,opens in a new tab the UK’s Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is helping to deliver the Government’s ambition to ensure education exports reach £35bn by 2030.
In markets across the world, DBT is promoting the UK’s world-class education offer and driving demand overseas. Here in the UK, DBT is supporting businesses and providers in the sector to export their products, services and expertise.
Get support for UK businesses to expand globally
Get support with your export journey
UK businesses and providers can access expert guidance, tools and services 24/7 with online export support on
Additional support services
Find out more about selling overseas with market guides. Register for the UK Export Academy for free training if you're new to exporting or access financial support from UK Export Financeopens in a new tab.
Find export opportunities
Explore global opportunities for UK education businesses and providers, sourced by overseas trade professionals or provided by a third party.
Education events, webinars and trade missions
Register here for an event, webinar or trade mission to learn how to grow your business in new markets where you can meet potential investors and partners in person/online and gain local market knowledge.
Further DBT Support - Free Trade Agreements
Bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in non-EU countries aim to help UK businesses and providers trade more easily with those markets. Find out more about UK trade agreementsopens in a new tab.
The education team at DBT is working to improve market access outside of FTAs. Contact DBT via email if you would like to share your views on market access barriers. You can also check and report a trade barrier.
Recent Events Highlight
Please view our Vox Pops showreel taken from our time at the BETT Global 2024 trade show
BETT 2024
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