Global success: Pigeon

Who are Pigeon?

Pigeonopens in a new tab is a modern reinvention of the old-fashioned hand-written letter.  It uses one piece of A4 paper, and with an ingenious bit of origami, folds into its own envelope, which is sealed with a stamp.


International growth story

After 3 successful years of trading in independent bookshops in the UK, John Morse-Brown, COO of Pigeon, set about researching the global market. After doing his research, John found that his product could also work well in independent bookshops in North America too.  And they do!

After contacting a range of stores, Pigeon is now stocked in over 200+ shops in North America, including the National Gallery of Canada!

Pigeon’s top tips for selling internationally

  1. Join the UK Export Academy: understand the “nuts and bolts of exporting”.
  2. Take part in free online events: get knowledge on specifics such as commodity codes and EORI numbers.
  3. Attend live events to network: it’s great to meet other businesses also wishing to expand overseas.
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